Baxter Saves the Day
“Baxter Saves the Day” is a beautiful children’s story based out of Jewel Cave National Monument. Follow Baxter, A bat who truly lived at Jewel Cave, on a mythical journey in and around Jewel Cave National Monument.
From the Back Page:
“Mother, Why are our ears so big?”
His mother had answered, “The better to hear the wind in the trees, the water in the stream, the moth on the wing, to sense any danger that may come and warn others of it. Baxter, we have a type of hearing that others do not have, and we have an important job- to listen at all times and to keep watch over those around us.”
Baxter is a Townsend’s Big-Eared Bat, and he lives at Jewel Cave National Monument.
And Baxter hears something. What could it be?
From the Back Page:
“Mother, Why are our ears so big?”
His mother had answered, “The better to hear the wind in the trees, the water in the stream, the moth on the wing, to sense any danger that may come and warn others of it. Baxter, we have a type of hearing that others do not have, and we have an important job- to listen at all times and to keep watch over those around us.”
Baxter is a Townsend’s Big-Eared Bat, and he lives at Jewel Cave National Monument.
And Baxter hears something. What could it be?